Monumental Sports And Entertainment Foundation

The Foundation supports the charitable efforts of our teams, athletes and our generous fans, unifying their giving to enables us to have the greatest impact on our community.


Donation - Legacy on Ice

Legacy on Ice will honor the 67 lives lost and raise funds to support victims’ families and the first responders and aviation professionals who worked tirelessly in the aftermath of the tragedy.Your donation will directly benefit the U.S. Figure Skating Family Support Fund, Greater Washington Community Foundation’s “DCA Together Relief Fund,” and DC Fire & EMS Foundation. 


Capitals Game Day Announcements

Request a custom message to be shown during a Washington Capitals game at Capital One Arena.


Make A Donation

Through MSE Foundation we pledge to continue investing our time and resources and serving as a positive influence and contributor in our community, and we hope to inspire others to do the same.

Donate Now

Featured collection

  • Capitals Maryland License Plates
    Regular price
    Sale price
    Regular price
    Unit price
    Sold out
  • Wizards Maryland License Plates
    Regular price
    Sale price
    Regular price
    Unit price
    Sold out
  • Donation - Assist DC
  • Donation - Capital Impact Fund
  • Donation - Dowd's Crowd
  • Donation - Hockey Fights Cancer

MSE Foundation’s Playground Build

Giving back to a space where our fans live and play is what Raising the Game and Being Monumental is all about!

Check it out

'Every adult who had a great coach remembers that coach as a mentor who taught them success on and off the court. We believe all children in the D.C. metro area deserve this kind of coach. That’s our mission at Up2Us Sports, and that’s what the Monumental Sports & Entertainment Foundation is making possible through their groundbreaking support of our program.'

Paul Caccamo, Founder and CEO of Up2Us Sports

'To heal, sick children need hope, optimism and motivation. Thanks to partners like Monumental Sports & Entertainment, Hope for Henry is in the hospital every day, providing needed entertaining distractions and incentives so kids can heal faster with fewer long-term, negative effects.'

Hope for Henry, CEO, Laurie Strongin

'Our long tenured partnership
with MSE has led to the transformation of many lives. Together we have afforded scholarship recipients the opportunity to focus on learning without the distraction of financial struggle. To count not only MSE but sports fans
throughout the DMV as supporters of our collective work to advance the
education of deserving students will exponentially grow our impact on this region.'

George H. Lambert, Jr., President and CEO of Greater Washington Urban League